1. Our actions and thoughts count much in our wrong making. When we remain in contact with ideas and thoughts of different kinds, they leave impressions upon our emotional feelings and senses. All senses are spoiled and adopt a wrong course. When such practice continuous for a long period, we make them worse. The marks we thus make upon the senses and indriyas turn them solid like a rock having no bodh or wisdom. By the effect of our vicious thoughts and actions we spoil our sense of discrimination and right cognition. Those who have reached this state of solidity, do not like to come under the teaching of Raj Yoga. These things can be shattered only by the help of such a Master who has the power of transmission. ERY 15-16
  2. One should penetrate to oneself as much as possible. One should recognize ones own defects , and go on dropping these out of oneself one by one. Whenever difficulty be en-countered , Master’s help should be called for. AB II VOL II P 20.
  3. The human body is souls residence. All things weather pleasant or repulsive are there, all meant to serve our purpose at times. It is we who are to keep them in proper order so as to serve our purpose at need. It is in-fact the disorderliness in their utilization that creates troubles, and not the thing in itself. That is the case with afflictions. They can be to our advantage if properly handled and harmful to our cause if wrongly used. VR I 53
  4. When we do something by applying our “head and heart” (intellect and interest), we form impressions in that Original thing which is the base of all those things; and that remains there in the seed-form as long as we do not erase its impressions by undergoing its bhog (enjoyment or suffering). It is compulsory to undergo its bhog. As a rule, Nature wants to keep everything pure and crystal clear just as it had originally come down in the beginning. Even the slightest covering dims its lustre. This covering itself assumed a form of life because of there being power and force in it, and it gets related to karma accordingly. It is because we have assumed ourselves as the doer of works.TM 48
  5. Our belongings are a pile of sanskars(impressions) with their resultant effects in the form of complexities and diverse covering which we have gathered round the soul and which are the results of our thoughts and actions. RD 21.
  6. The feeling of Vairagya in the real sense and with the lasting results can only be developed after through cleaning and due moderation. RD 90
  7. things which were obstructing him have now been removed away; the burden which was upon him has now gone away, and its form is now of complete Purity which is similar to that Current of Nature which is free from the layers of impurities (mal), distortions (vikshep), and coverings (avaran) on it. TM 57
  8. The desires mould our physical and mental actions and lead to the formations of sanskars ( impressions) adding thus more and more coverings to the soul. RD-21
  9. Question :- Where from is the material for creation derived, when it is said that in the course of Maha Pralaya(total anhilation) entire matter and its identity comes to end?
    Answer :- The movement of the thought one becoming many creates matter. This idea of something other than Himself (God) creates matter. AB II VOL III P 189

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