First Message – Voice Real
Dear Brothers, I have devoted the major part of my life to constant remembrance. I was twenty two, when I gained access to the holy feet of my Master, Samarth Guru Mahatma Ram Chandraji...
Dear Brothers, I have devoted the major part of my life to constant remembrance. I was twenty two, when I gained access to the holy feet of my Master, Samarth Guru Mahatma Ram Chandraji...
It was the auspicious day of Basant Panchami (1873) on which the Divine Soul of the Great Master descended to earth in the physical form of Samartha Guru Mahatma Ram Chandraji of Fatehgarh (U.P.)....
Dear ones,It is with feeling of deep pleasure that I found an opportunity of sending my message to you. It may be the shortest message, but it has gushed out from the deep core...
I may today present before you some of the important features of our system, the Sahaj Marg, or the Natural Path of Realization. The system runs along simplest and most natural lines which are...
Message delivered by the President at the annual function of the Gulbarga Branch of Shri Ram Chandra Mission on 15-12-1957.Dear ones,It is owing to my profound attachment with humanity that I lay down the...
Delivered at Mysore in December 1965There are many amongst us who eagerly hanker after realisation and freedom, and they feel it their duty. But when we talk of duty we find ourselves enclosed within...
THE BEGGAR’S BOWL “The Sadhak is indeed a beggar, but one who begs only at the door of the Great Divine Master alone. He stands at his door with his begging bowl in hand,...
AMBROSIAL SHOWER“Though it is undoubtedly a folly to think oneself too wise, it is a greater folly to think oneself too foolish or weak. We must try to dedicate ourselves, as we may be,...