System is dynamic. Answers are affirmative, yet evolving.

1. What is love?
Love is the inner awakening of soul to Reality.

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2. How can one develop love?
Remove hatred and there is only love.

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3. How love transcends from individual to universal?
  • Love Him who loves all. This transcends one’s love from individual to universal.
  • One has to remove only the brokenness and he will feel love equally flowing to one and all and it becomes universal.

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4. How disciple can love Master infinitely?
By being in the remembrance of Master constantly develops infinite love towards Master.

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5. Does love gives rise to attachment?
If it is concerned to matter, love gives rise to attachment. But when there is no matter love sublimates as Life.

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6. Why do we practice devotion?
We practice devotion in order to achieve communication with the Supreme Master.

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7. What is real devotion?
  • In highest type of devotion one is unaware of oneself and the process.
  • Devotee takes Master to be everything becoming blind to charms of the world.
  • Real devotion has no tinge of affection in it and goes hand in glove with enlightenment.
  • Real devotion is devoid of flattery.

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8. What is the etiquette of a devotee?
Human etiquette lies in realizing Master as one’s own Master, and oneself as His devotee, and being busy doing His service. A devotee is concerned only with Master.

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9. What is faith?
Faith really represents the state of mind where one feels oneself totally dependent on Supreme Master. It is the lively link connecting mortal with the immortal.

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10. How to develop faith?
To develop faith, Master only has to bestow it. But if we think on the aspect of self-effort we have to at least trust Master to begin with and do whatever he has given us to practice. Then naturally it will mature into belief and then into faith.

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11. How faith becomes the foundation of spirituality?
Spirituality path can be tread only if one has faith in it. It is said by some one that “your God is as powerful as your faith”. Faith in Reality, faith in the right course we have adopted for realization, faith in the worthy Master whom we have submitted to, becomes an internal force which will break off or shatter all the evils on the path that might be surrounding us.

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12. Is faith alone enough to solve the problem of life, no matter what path we have adopted or the guide we have submitted to?
Nothing probably can be more misleading than this absurd belief. Is it ever possible for a man to reach Delhi by taking up just the opposite direction? Can a man ever become a selfless saint by submitting himself to the guidance of a self-seeking imposter? Can a man ever free himself from the bonds of attachment, prejudice and pride by following a self-conceited hypocrite inspired with the feeling of attachment with the worldly objects?

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13. Mention few things to be borne in mind before sticking to any method with faith.
  • Do not follow a path because it is the oldest, for the oldest one must be most ill-suited to the changed conditions of the world and the society.
  • Do not follow a path because it has been followed by majority of men, for the majority may not always be right and is more often led by chosen few, who in all possibility might have been misled.
  • Thoroughly be considerate in judging the merits of the thing, applying all means at our disposal.
  • Never come to a hasty conclusion without due consideration and trial, through reason and experience.

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14. The worship which we do if it does not evolve us to rise to higher levels, can it be called as faith?

  • That which keeps us down, checking us from rising higher cannot be termed as faith.
  • That which makes our vision limited and promotes prejudice and materiality not allowing us to rise high to seek Reality cannot be termed as faith.

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15. Whether love, devotion, faith will be there till the last?
They all come under final wastefulness. Love, devotion, faith appears in duality and disappears in oneness.

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16. Is there any difference between love, devotion, faith?
Love is one sided (from seekers side), devotion is two sided (seeker and the Sought), and faith is again one sided (where aspirant has resigned totally to His Will)

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17. Can love, devotion, faith be goal of human life?
They are not the goal. They are the attributes with which if practiced can easily attract the attention of God.

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