Saints and sages of yore and Incarnations have accepted Shri Ram Chandraji as Malik-e-Kul / Special Personality:
Source: Autobiography of Ram Chandra
Lalaji Maharaj
From Shri Ram Chandraji (Lalaji Maharaj) of Fategarh, Uttar Pradesh, India: If one wants to estimate the state of Ram Chandra, it can be in this way that whatever the greatest saints and sages have said about His state on the basis of their experience, it would be the lowest stage of praise of His...
Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda: I have received the news from Lord Krishna that you have been given the post of ‘Maker of the World’. Nobody in the world could ever get it. Now the powers of Nature (shakthi) which issued forth for the first time will work under you directly. I mean Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. The...
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna: Ram Chandra is worthy of being followed or copied by the world. His biography will be written in letters of gold. It is very auspicious day that your (Ram Chandra) Master got you initiated by Ultimate Being (Zaat) directly. That is the real initiation or deeksha. This is the first example...
Revered Fazal Ahmad Khan
Revered Fazal Ahmad Khan (Master of Lalaji Maharaj): The whole world shall be lighted by your presence. Many sages and saints will seem like glimmering candles in the morning, as against you. I too say that there is no estimate of the limit to your progress.
Lord Buddha
Lord Buddha: Nature is trying to unravel everything through you. Eyes of everybody (means liberated souls) are getting concentrated on you. People are not able to form an estimate of your status due to extreme mergence
Sant Kabir
Sant Kabir: Now there remains no need for us; it is the period of your royalty (kingship)!
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: I am also of the opinion to leave the Higher World. The assembly happens to be pleasing only when the Emperor may happen to be. Your orders become a matter of duty to all of us. When your work and events (of life) go to (the knowledge of) the people in...
Guru Nanak Dev
Guru Nanak Dev: Ram Chandra is the centre of attraction for all eyes of elder sages.
Rishi Yajnavalkya
Rishi Yajnavalkya: People are blind, unable to see that such a Special Personality has come into existence and their eyes have not yet opened up.