Efficacy Of Raja Yoga – PUBLISHER’S NOTE
This book has been out of print for some time now, and ardent seekers have been compelled to wait for copies, this fifth edition having been unduly delayed in publication for many reasons beyond...
This book has been out of print for some time now, and ardent seekers have been compelled to wait for copies, this fifth edition having been unduly delayed in publication for many reasons beyond...
This book has been written in a state of super-consciousness. The facts given in the book are based purely on Anubhava or reading of Nature. The readers will best realise it if they go...
India has been the home of spirituality. There have been great sages and teachers who had attained the highest degree of perfection and realised God after devoting their lives to this pursuit. Mahatma Buddha,...
Great men are not accidentally born, but when the time needs them most, they come, do their job and go-such is the phenomenon of nature. India, which has always been the home of spirituality,...
RAJ YOGA is the old system or science followed by the great rishis and saints to help them in realising Self or God. It was prevalent in India long before the time of Ramayana....
I am opening today the greatest wonder of our system of Raj Yoga in the light of SAHAJ MARG. Very few people could realise the efficacy of this system. We think of one thing...
In Raj Yoga we generally start with meditation. There is a great underlying philosophy in it. We find ourselves all the time busy with the worldly things. If we are not doing anything, our...
People generally think of the heart as made of flesh and blood only. Whenever the idea of heart comes to them, they locate its position as that of the heart made of the things...
After crossing the region of Heart we enter the First or the Super-Mind of God. No word can express the condition which one feels there. There are only such symptoms, as give an idea...
After crossing the Mind region there comes the Central region. Super- consciousness of the finest type comes in this region. The theory of invertendo comes in again-as explained in “The Commentary on Ten Commandments...