Malik-e-Kul’s Messages
First Message Dear Brothers: I have devoted the major part of my life to Constant Remembrance. I was 22 when I gained access to the Holy Feet of my Master Samarth Guru Mahatma Ram Chandraji...
Easiest Way to God Realisation Dear Ones : IT IS owing to my profound attachment with humanity that I lay down the feelings of my heart to be bubbled up into the hearts...
Inaugural Message On the occasion of opening of Mission’s Gulbarga Branch It offers me the greatest pleasure to present to you not only my simple views through words, but also my very heart to...
My Master’s Message It is a great pleasure to me to deliver to you the message of my Master which is meant for the common good of Humanity. His auspicious name is Samarth Guru Mahatma Shri...
Sahaj Marg System I may today present before you some of the important features of our System, known as Sahaj Marg or the Natural Path of Realisation. The System runs along simplest and most natural lines,...
Essence of Sahaj Marg GREAT MEN are not born accidentally. They are born when the world waits for them in eager expectation. Such is the phenomenon of Nature. At a time when Spirituality was tottering helplessly...
Sahaj Marg – a Dynamic Path MAN’S PERSISTENT effort has been to unravel the mystery of Nature and it has widened the frontiers of knowledge. And so his probe into everything that he sees...
Efficacy of Sahaj Marg THERE ARE many amongst us who eagerly hanker after realisation and freedom and they feel it to be their duty. But when we talk of duty we find ourselves enclosed within a,...
Natural Path IT IS with deepest feelings of heart that we have all assembled here today to celebrate the inauguration of the Shri Ram Chandra Mission Ashram at this sacred soil of Tirupathi. We hope by...