Translator's Note
"Anant-ki-Or" written in Hindi by our revered Master is one of the Grand Trio of Sahaj Marg Sadhana, the other two being ‘Reality at Dawn’ and ‘Efficacy of Raj Yoga’. All these works attempt to establish new values and standards to judge the spiritual advancement of an abhyasi in the present set up of life. With the growing popularity of Sahaj Marg system, it has become imperatively necessary to present those deep thoughts in simple and comprehensible language.
Sahaj Marg Sadhana has the freshness of dawn because a new light is being cast on age old systems of Indian philosophy. Consequently the old terms have been stripped of their traditional, rather petrified, connotations and are dressed with new bearings and energy. The irresistible energy of the original which charms the readers and reveals the sense unto them has always been the stumbling block of the poor translators. How far that energy pulsates in this translation is for the readers to decide. Moreover the Sanskrit terms can hardly find their equivalent in English.
Despite these inherent difficulties, the task could be accomplished. It is a simple proof how our Master can get things done as and when He wants to, But for His grace to carry me through all complications, I would never have been able to serve our brethren through this little work. Yet in all matters the original work in Hindi should be treated as authentic.
To thank Sri Ishwar Sahaiji and Sri S. P. Srivastava would be simply to belittle my deep regards for themn. The pains they have taken to elucidate the simple yet profound thoughts to me, and the affection and encouragement I received from them, is too great to be narrowed in simple thankfulness. I nevertheless, owe my thanks to Kumari Asharani Srivastava, M.A., who immensly helped me in correcting and preparing the manuscript. And in the end, let me voice my feelings in the old Sanskrit verse.
“I offer unto thee, O Master, the thing that is thine”.
August 12, 1963.
Professor and Head of English Department
Birla Government Degree College
Srinngar (Garhwal) U.P.