System is dynamic. Answers are affirmative, yet evolving.
1. What is Life?
Life covers the entire existence of soul, may be gross or subtle, from the beginning of creation until final dissolution (Mahapralaya).
4. Whether the Goal of Life is same for all or different?
Goal of life is same for all but the concept of it changes from person to person. The beginning from where we emerged or the end point where we have to merge finally is same for all. The difference between goal of life and fixing of goal is the former is universally applicable and the latter pertains to the student of spirituality.
5. What are the concepts of Goal?
There are many concepts given which describe Goal of life. Purity, Subtlety, Simplicity, Oneness with God, God realization, Self-realization, Ultimate Reality of one’s own existence, Total negation, Shunyavastha, Sahaja Samadhi, Divine consciousness, Living-dead state, Dead man in the hands of dresser, etc. are some of its concepts.
6. Why should one aim for the Highest?
Human being is considered to be the highest evolved being than all other beings. Having this status, he should opt or aim for ‘Highest’. The opportunity of being born as human should be utilized to realize his Highest state of Being and anything lesser than this cannot be aimed at or considered to be the Goal of life.
7. What is the notion of man regarding the problem of life?
Man wants to get rid of his pain and misery. He thinks by earning more money, name, fame, wealth, etc. will be the end of his pain and misery. He practices devotion to please God in order to secure worldly comforts. But he is unaware that pain and miseries are just the symptom of disease but the disease lies elsewhere. Material wealth or material gain is not the solution to the problem of life.
8. What is the real problem of life? Why people are not giving consideration to it?
People are busy and struggling hard to gain name, fame, money, wealth etc. which gives instant pleasure, instant satisfaction i.e. all kind of temporary happiness. In this attempt they have forgotten the meaning and purpose of Life. If they develop wisdom and grasp the real meaning of life, then the problem of life and its solution is thought over. Real problem of life is not to find solution of our present life but for all lives that we may henceforth have.
9. Some believe in birth and death cycle and some don’t. Which is true?
There may be difference of opinion over the question of births and deaths, among the followers of different creeds, but it is certain that mere theoretical knowledge of scriptures will not solve the question. Practical experience in the spiritual field is necessary for the purpose. The question ends when one acquires “Anubhava Shakti” or intuitive capacity.
10. Many consider liberation as their goal of life. What is liberation?
Freedom from bondage is liberation. The endless circle of rebirth ends only when we have secured liberation. Anything short of liberation cannot be taken as goal of life although there remains still a lot beyond it.
11. Some consider the practice of Bhakti(devotion) as their goal of life. Can Bhakti be goal of life?
Bhakti is the means for achieving the goal and not the goal itself. Bhakti creates in Bhakta some charming effect and he is allured by that charm and wants to remain entangled in it forever. As long as we are in entanglements there is no liberation.
12. What is the final point of human approach?
The final point of approach of human is where every kind of force, power, activity or even stimulus disappear and he enters into a state of complete negation.
13. How can one come out of the problem of entanglement?
First of all one should make a firm determination to come out of the entanglement. Until then there is no solution to the problem. The natural yearning of soul is to become free from bondage. One has to choose the ways and means which lead onto the path of freedom.