System is dynamic. Answers are affirmative, yet evolving.
1. Almost all religions of the world say “”service and sacrifice””. Why is it so
The philosophy of all the religions in the world is universal love and brotherhood. For the eligibility to render service one has to sacrifice first. So keeping in view of this almost all religions preach service and sacrifice.
2. How sacrifice is generally understood?
- Something which is in excess like material wealth, property etc. is given to the needy.
- Some think of sacrificing animals.
3. What is real meaning of Sacrifice?
Sacrificing what one claim as his own which hinders the progress in achieving the real goal of life is the real Sacrifice.
4. Who can sacrifice? What has to be sacrificed?
Anyone who wants to tread the path of spirituality determines to sacrifice. One sacrifices that which becomes an obstruction in practice like selfish-ego, attachment, entertainment, amusement, luxury etc.
5. How service is generally understood?
Dictionary meaning of service is duty, worship or help. It is considered as duty in India, to help our co-brothers and co-sisters to get rid of their difficulty or distress whereas same is termed as service in foreign countries. Now-a-days any petty help or duty done is termed as service like treatment of disease, blood donation, distribution of food, fruits to the diseased, setting up orphanages, educational institutions etc.
6. What is the real meaning of Service?
- Service is to render man to get out of his misery of mental conflicts& complexes and misery of bad destiny.
- Service is to make man conscious of his Divinity.
- Service is upliftment of human soul to the Divine Nature.
- Service is introducing Divine Mind into the consciousness of man to start the spiritual evolution.
- Service is that where God is enthroned in the heart of every man, woman and child.
- Service is continuous process of Self-giving for the resuscitation of man into God.
- Service is that to make one as Himself.
7. Should the term service be used only for spirituality and not materiality?
Yes. In material world whatever we give or do it is our duty as a human being. The term ‘Service’ is used only for Divine purpose. So our Malik-e-Kul used to say, “He is servant of humanity”.
8. Who has to be served?
One who is desirous to take service to attain the Highest, one who is downhearted, one who wants God Himself not anything from God needs to be served.
9. Who is eligible to serve?
Those who have been given capacity to serve by the Supreme Master through the power of Transmission is eligible to serve.
10. What is the importance of service and sacrifice in Spirituality?
Sacrifice is the initial step of training in spirituality. To attain eligibility to render service one has to sacrifice first. Sacrificing all that hinders our progress to attain Reality becomes the preliminary step towards Surrender. After surrendering oneself to the Will of Master, Service starts. Service without the idea of service is the real Service.