System is dynamic. Answers are affirmative, yet evolving.
2. What are different types of pain?
- Pain is loss of something which is dearest to one.
- Pain of separation.
- Pain of longing, craving, restlessness to get back to Original state.
3. How can one get relieved from pain?
There is a saying, “Dard ka hadh se gujar jaana he dava ban jaana”, which means “when pain passes the limits of intensity, it becomes its own cure.”
4. Are miseries man-made or God given?
Miseries are of course man-made. They are the creation of the human mind which results from the ignorance of right relationship of things.
5. What are the causes of misery?
- All that is born of attachment is misery.
- Pain and pleasure both contribute to misery.
- Desires are the main cause of miseries.
- Liking for the one disliking for the other creates misery.
6. Can we pray God for deliverance of pain and misery?
No. Everything happens for a reason. Nature wants to keep everything pure and crystal clear just as it had originally come down in the beginning. Miseries and sufferings may have come for it. And it is against human etiquette to ask anything from God.
7. How to get deliverance from miseries?
Curtailment of desires is the only solution for its deliverance. If we develop the habit of remaining unmindful of desires, they will soon begin to disappear from our view and consequently our miseries will be minimized. When Reality alone remains in our view all others will lose their charm and forbearance to any amount of miseries will develop.
8. Is it possible for total absence of sufferings and miseries in life?
Total absence of sufferings and miseries in life is impossible and unnatural. Miseries are reserved for human beings not animals.
9. How miseries help in our progress?
Miseries act as bitter pills of medicine given to patient to restore health. They are for our betterment. They are our best guide which makes our path smooth. They are very helpful in the process of our making.
10. How to change the unfavourable situation (miseries) to favourable one in our wordly life?
- Endure calmly the adversities of household life, which is the greatest and noblest penance from all other penances.
- Cultivating patience and forbearance for the taunts, rebukes of our friends and relations.
- Not to give way to the feeling of anger or grief but assume unquestioning attitude thinking we ourselves are wrong and forbear with cool mind.
- Whatever duties we have to impart, whatever we possess is the sacred trust from the Supreme Master, entrusted to us. Discharging the duties without any involvement and submitting everything to Him.