System is dynamic. Answers are affirmative, yet evolving.
1. What is Jeeva?
When soul perceives its existence it becomes Jeeva (life). It stands for the admixture of heart, mind and soul.
2. What is Brahma?
Brahma is one having Big mind. Brahman= Bruhat+man. It has got the attribute of growth and thinking.
3. Why did these terminologies come?
To call our children we name them. If they had no name how would we call them? Similarly we should name the things to recognize them. Names have been given based on their characteristics or attributes.
4. What is the difference between Jeeva and Brahma?
An example can be given here. In some of the festivals, toys are made out of sugar. We can call toy as sugar. But we cannot call sugar as toy. This is the difference between Jeeva and Brahma.
7. Why Man is said as miniature replica of the Universe?
Knowing Man is as good as knowing God because self realization is God realization and vice versa. Every cell has got its own solar system. Humans are the highest evolved species created on this universe. When Man evolves into Divine Being he gets mastery over Nature. Initially his stroll is in Pind Desh. Here he gets control over Panch Maha Bhut (5 elements). Then he steps into Brahmanda Mandal or Cosmic region. Brahmand means Universe. He begins to feel the entire Universe within himself. All these are the states of consciousness bestowed by the Supreme Master. This is how Man begins to feel as the miniature replica of the Universe.
9. Can Brahma undertake the job of destruction?
No. Brahma is the power of expanse or creation. It is bound by its work. It cannot do destruction.
10. What is Para Brahma?
Para Brahma is Indeterminate Absolute. It is the ultimate cause and substratum of existence, the supra-active Centre of the entire manifestation or the Absolute Base. It is beyond quality, activity and consciousness.