1. Repentance is nothing but a beat which is created in that wave, and a wave begins to flow to maintain its uniformity with the above. In other words, another thing comes and cleans up this thing which I have denoted by the word ‘beat’. This is the form of repentance. TM 58
  2. Repentance is nothing but a jerk to the thought waves which creates to a certain extent a state of vaccum within him. The flow from above , then gets diverted towards it, in order to keep up its uniformity with the nature. Thus the thing coming in helps us to wash off the previous effect. This may be taken as the true form of repentance. VR II 95
  3. If a man comes with repentance for his wrongs, and if he is inclined towards spirituality, he should be admitted, but he should not repeat the wrongs. If he turns his attention towards God with repentance for his sins, he will soon become pure. This includes a prayer to pardon him for his sins together with weeping etc. It is written in the Holy Quoran (Hadis), “If a devotee (Banda) prays for pardon and weeps, I feel ashamed and I accept him again.VR II 262