System is dynamic. Answers are affirmative, yet evolving.

1. What is ‘Cleaning’ process?
Cleaning basically means getting rid of dirt/dross may it be external or internal. External cleaning refers to physical aspect and internal cleaning refers to removal of all the impurities, complexities, distortions, darkness, coverings etc. that has eclipsed the soul like silk worm in a cocoon.

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2. What are the ways in which the cleaning takes place in an aspirant?
  • By undergoing Bhog
  • Master’s Pranahuti
  • Auto suggestion to clean oneself
  • Constant Remembrance
  • Through Dreams
  • Through Curse
  • Through Blessing

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3. How cleaning happens through Bhog?
When we do something by applying our ‘head and heart’ (intellect and interest), we form impressions in the Original Thing and remains in seed form till impressions are not removed by undergoing Bhog. Feeling of enjoyment and suffering is due to this only. Hence Bhog is cleaning process which is meant to bring back the Original condition.

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4. Can one reduce the period of Bhog?
Yes, by Master’s Pranahuti and His support.

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5. How does Master’s Pranahuti helps the aspirant in cleaning process?
Master’s Pranahuti (Transmission) when transmitted cleans the Samskar (solidity) and coverings. It converts them into energy. It is then disseminated throughout the body and gets accumulated at the required site available, affecting even the layers reserved for Bhog and minimizes the severity of Bhog to be undergone.

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6. What is the method of cleaning for beginners?
Sit for half an hour in the evening with a suggestion to yourself that all complexities and impurities including grossness, darkness, etc. are going out of the whole system through the backside in the form of smoke or vapours. Do not meditate on those things which you want to get rid of. Simply push them off.

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7. How constant remembrance is also a way of cleaning?
Being in constant remembrance of Master does two things simultaneously i.e., we are in touch always with goal and no further formation of impressions. Thought of Master ceases to be a cause and consequently has no effect. In case, human thought about our Master does not cease to be a cause, then it will have its effect which is welcoming one and that which we aspire for.

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8. What is cause and effect theory?
For every cause there is an effect produced. ‘Idea of creation’ becomes the cause which leads to the creation process as its effect. Similarly every thought produced in the atmosphere or in our system shows its effect or creates impression in our heart.

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9. Does cleaning takes place in dreams? How?
Cleaning also takes place in dreams. Pleasant or sorrowful state is created which indicates Bhog.

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10. How curse is a way of cleaning?
  • It is a process to speed up Bhog i.e. reduction in the duration of Bhog.
  • Reduction in the severity of bhog.
  • Fast movement or progress towards his goal.

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11. Why did our Saints and Sages of yore opted for miseries of the whole world?
It is actually highest boon or gift given by God. They opted it for the betterment of creation. Ex: Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad were not free from miseries.

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12. How can ‘Blessing’ be a way of cleaning?
Blessing is another kind of Bhog which turns into pleasant state. There is no differentiation between pleasant and sorrowful state in cleaning process.

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13. Whether Cleaning is student’s job or Master’s job?
Basically cleaning is student’s job. To keep his system clean from dirt and dross becomes individual’s work. He does it with the support of Master. But cleaning is also done by Master if He wishes to give spiritual elevation to the student.

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14. When should ‘Cleaning’ be done?
Cleaning should be done twice a day. One is before doing meditation in the morning and another in the evening time.

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15. What is the method to do ‘Cleaning’ before meditation?
The method of cleaning before morning meditation: Auto suggestion to be taken that one is sitting in the ocean of Bliss (Anand), and Master’s will power is coming in the form of powerful waves having the capacity to dissolve all the obstructions in developing deservingness and receptivity; in the sites of cleaning. At that time it should be imagined that the body is transparent hence the waves are permeating and passing through the body. One should feel after cleaning that simple, pure, subtle state is prevailing within. This has to be done only for 5 minutes.

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16. Explain in detail the method of cleaning in the evening time?
Evening cleaning has to be done for half an hour.
Auto suggestion: Have a thought that Ultimate Being i.e., Master Himself is sitting and cleaning His place of dwelling, working and body. His power of transmission from innermost core of the heart is entering the heart with force and passing through the purified blood to all the areas of cleaning and its sites, burning and melting the dirt/dross. We have to draw all those burnt things towards backside and push them out once in a minute or ½ a minute. All that burnt things are passing through the back after becoming smoke or vapour. This process has to be continued for half an hour.

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17. What is the area of cleaning?
The area of cleaning is: body, organs, system, 5 senses, 5 faculties, heart and its region, mind and its region, causal body and its region. Note: region extends from top to toe.

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18. What are the sites of cleaning?
Sites of cleaning are: cells, intercellular space, atoms, sub-atoms, genes and darker portion of each gene and cell.

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19. What are the dirt and dross that has to be cleaned?
Cleaning of dirt/dross is categorized into general, heart, mind and causal body.
General cleaning includes:

  • Impurity: something external which comes makes it impure.
  • Impediments: not a complete block.
  • Obstruction: is total block.
  • Grossness: any thought other than goal.
  • Complexity: dual thinking.
  • Network: constant brooding over a thought or similar such thoughts forms network.
  • Denser things: the network of thoughts later on becomes denser. It is pervious in nature.
  • Solid things: the density when increases turn into solid, resulting into Bhog. It is impervious in nature.
  • Materiality and sensuality.
  • Darkness: lack of transparency.
  • Bondages: anything that one is unduly attached or bound becomes bondage.
  • Self.
  • Individuality: awareness of one’s existence.
  • Any causality: any cause that has effect.

Heart includes:

  • Superficial and deep impressions.
  • Impressions of old desires in the heart.
  • All power points, sub points, buffer points.
  • Narrow mindedness: to develop broader vision.
  • Narrow thinking: to develop free thinking.
  • Differences.
  • Pride and Prejudice: formation of mindset with pre-conceived notion is prejudice.
  • Hatredness.
  • Rift.
  • Groupism.
  • Enemity: constant hating develops enemity.
  • Mano- Vikaras: Kama and Krodha have to be modified. Lobha, Moha, Madha, Matsara should be removed.
  • Formations of desires.
  • Laziness.
  • Anything which is acting as obstruction in developing love, devotion and faith has to be cleaned.
  • Anything which is obstructing to become total insignificant, total ignorant, unassuming and fallen being are to be cleaned.
  • That which is obstructing in developing Constant Remembrance is to be cleaned i.e., no interest in practice, no dynamism.
  • Obstruction in development of spiritual value based being
  • is to be cleaned.

Mind includes:

  • To attain balanced state, regulation and moderation so as to get rid of wavering tendencies and to make the mind dwell on single pious thought.
  • Total cleaning of Chit, Mana, Buddhi, Ahankar to the extent of receiving the divine vibrations and decoding them.
  • Consciousness (waking), sub-consciousness and its different levels and super-consciousness are to be thoroughly cleaned to develop Divine consciousness.

Causal body includes:

  • The opacity on First Mind and dark clouds surrounding it has to be cleaned.
  • Its cocoon type of coverings has to be cleaned.

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20. What is the process of energy getting converted into matter and vice versa?
Process of Creation is basically energy getting converted into matter (condensed energy). The practice which we follow involves the process of dissolution which is conversion of matter into energy.

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21. What is the effect of cleaning process on the abhyasi?
  • If cleaning is done sincerely and regularly having the Goal in view with love, devotion and faith will transform a person as pure, simple, subtle and blissful. Thereby, one’s body (Sharir) such as gross (sthul), astral (sukshm) and causal (karan) will be divinized and becomes akin, facilitating to merge with the Ultimate Being.
  • Cleaning process converts matter into energy making an abhyasi transparent. Vibrations are felt throughout oneself before one gets transformed into a bundle of energy and thereon to a speck of energy.

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