System is dynamic. Answers are affirmative, yet evolving.

1. What is remembrance?
It can be answered in two ways. One is general and other is for advanced ones.

  • Remembrance is recollecting whatever is stored in memory.
  • Remembrance is almost akin to the vibration which had developed at the time of creation for the purpose of bringing the existence into being.

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2. What is constant remembrance?
  • Retaining the effect gained by meditation for most part of the day, and abiding in the same state for as long as one can is said as constant remembrance. With the closed eyes it is meditation and with eyes open it is remembrance.
  • When the realisation of Ultimate is deeply impressed upon the heart, the Divine thought will continuously remain alive in his heart, and his attention will remain drawn towards it all the while. This is constant remembrance.
  • Connected with the Supreme Power every moment with an unbroken chain of thought during all our activities.

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3. What are the general understandings of students regarding the practice of constant remembrance?
General understandings of students about Constant Remembrance are:

  • It is taken as frequently remembering His figure, face, body, sound of His talk etc.
  • It is the practice of listening to His speeches, teaching few sentences, situations and some stories.
  • Reading His books, essays, quotations.
  • Attending Satsangh is also considered by some as constant remembrance.
  • Dedicating all the actions and dealings what one performs to Master is also considered as constant remembrance.

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4. Can remembering the physical life style of Master or physical action of Master be considered as constant remembrance?
It is for the beginners who have just started to practice. After becoming sincere and serious student one comes to know that real Master is not merely his outward physical form, but one’s inner self. Any amount of self effort done or techniques employed for practice, it succeeds only after the Grace of Master.

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5. What are the different techniques of remembrance?
Different techniques are:

  • As soon as we rise up before meditation a suggestion is given to oneself to remain in Master’s thought for whole day. Later on, when we become busy in other activities and feel that we are diverted from Master’s thought, we should re-suggest our mind that remembrance is continuing in sub conscious mind. This gradually develops conviction in us of being in His remembrance always and leads to constant remembrance.
  • Attributing everything to Master i.e. considering all the activities as duty given by Master to look after His creation results in constant remembrance.
  • Taking His quality i.e. all pervasiveness of Master, feeling it naturally within, leads to constant remembrance. This is actually transcending from quality to substance and then substance to Source.
  • Considering all actions done by Master himself may it be meditation, cleaning, prayer or remembrance. This will gradually develop the state of constant remembrance.
  • Love brings the remembrance of the loved object frequently. It is said that one can love another person of his own species best. So Guru is taken into account as the personification of Supreme. Remembering His form repeatedly leads to constant remembrance. Note: Form is what He exhibits and not what we see. What we see externally is His figure.

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6. What is the mechanism involved in constant Remembrance?
Repeated thinking of Goal drives the thought from waking consciousness to a particular level in sub consciousness. There are various levels in sub consciousness. From there it reaches the Source or Base of remembrance. In remembrance there is sensation (i.e. power). It disseminates to all atoms of one’s being. This energy later on gives rise to the ideation process. Then formation of ideas starts which subsequently develops into thought (power). It reaches to the same sub conscious level and empowers the initial thought taken in the waking consciousness. The result will be more clarity of goal, change of consciousness to higher or subtler level. Refined thought again is driven to deeper layers of subconscious mind and it stimulates the Base. Same process is continued establishing a circuit. This is the mechanism of constant remembrance.

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7. What is the highest state of remembrance?
“Yaad ki bhi yaad na rahe” i.e. remembrance without the idea of remembrance is its highest state of remembrance or in other words it is state of “Absolute Silence”.

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8. What does “Yaad ki bhi yaad na rahe” (remembrance without the idea of remembrance) means?
Remembrance is recollecting whatever is stored in memory. Now question is what have we stored in our memory regarding the Ultimate Reality? We are proceeding towards the ‘Unknown’ having our own concept about it. In this process we are dwelling in the ‘state of unknown’ or ‘state of Nothingness’ where nothing is impressed upon us. Being in this state constantly is called as “Yaad ki bhi yaad na rahe”.

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9. What is the result of constant remembrance?
Sahaj Samadhi is the subtler result of constant remembrance.

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10. Why people feel difficult to be in the remembrance of God always?
  • It will be difficult for them as long as they have not taken God realization as the primary object of life and first and foremost thing in comparison to everything else in the world.
  • They want know everything from senses and God is beyond senses and feeling. That’s why they find it difficult.

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11. Why people give reason of their busy schedule of daily work, their duty towards home etc. and express their inability to spend time for God realization?
All the reasons given are only due to disinterestedness and lethargy towards God realization. It shows the misdirected activities of the indisciplined mind.

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12. What is the importance of Constant Remembrance?
  • Constantly remembering Master does two things simultaneously i.e. we are in touch always with goal and no further formation of impressions. Thought of Master ceases to be a cause and consequently has no effect. In case, human thought about our Master does not cease to be a cause, then it will have its effect which is welcoming one and that which we aspire for.
  • It makes the mind free from fickleness and stay at fixed thought of goal.
  • It purifies, evolves and encourages the mind to think always about the goal. It is ‘single principle contemplation’.
  • It prevents mind from getting deviated and hence there is no scope for grossness.
  • It is the yearning of soul and mental activity and not physical activity.

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