1. The quest of mankind, ever since its birth has been to worship God, to unravel the mysteries behind the outward appearances and to grasp the fundamental truth. This is the genesis of religion. The worshipper has before his eyes the eternal bliss of the paradise or some similar view which he aims at as his final approach. There have thus arisen religions in the world with their prescribed forms and rituals, based upon the personal practical experiences of their great founders. But after the lapse of thousands of years, when the entire surroundings have changed and life has undergone a radical transformation, the same old forms and principles are being adhered to. RD 1
  2. Our blind faith in formalities keeps us in the dark regarding the reality and unconsciously we develop within us a feeling of hatred against those who believe in other forms and rituals. RD 2
  3. Universal love, the very fundamental basis of religion having disappeared altogether, the religion which was generally considered to be a link between man and God, has now become a barrier instead. RD 3
  4. Even the idea of God as Power or energy is still a limited conception. RD 5
  5. The end of religion is the beginning of spirituality; the end of spirituality is the beginning of Reality and the end of Reality is the real Bliss. When that too is gone, we have reached the destination. RD 5
  6. Religion is only a preliminary stage for preparing man for his march on the path of freedom.
  7. The religion can help you to understand only “that there is something more to perceive in Nature”
  8. Lord Krishna has made it clear in the Geeta that worship of God may lead you at the most to their sphere only, which is a limited one and for below the point of liberation.
  9. Saint Kabir has nicely expressed the idea in the following lines. If by worshipping stone one can reach God. I shall be ready to worship a mountain. But for this purpose the grinding stone which grinds the corn to feed the world may be better.

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