1. Everything in the composition of man falls under the lass of humanity, with Divinity at the root of all and everything. It is for this reason that they say God is within man and the same view is held by all the religionists.
    2. Man is a bipolar being. It has got its root nearest to the Base and the other end towards the world.
    3. The individual mind is a part of Godly mind (Kshob)
    4. Man is natures instrument.
    5. Humanity was akin to Divinity at the source of creation; and assumed grosser form as the result of the jerks caused by actions and counter actions in the process of evolution. We have only to bring all the constituents of the human frame of existence again to their original state of poise and tranquility to keep up its link with Divinity. This is achieved by introducing into them proper moderation; and we do the same in Shahaj Marg. The routine practice of meditation really aims at removing immoderation there from by the action of our will so as to keep up the balance. Thus the humanity in us begins to get transformed into Divinity. That is in fact the exact sense conveyed by the term Divinisation of man.
    6. Nature has two principles one positive and the other negative (Asbaat and Nafee) .Asbaat is the name for compensating the loss and Nafee is the designation for ejection or elimination . These very principles are continuously operating since the very start of creation. whatever comes to be really lacking gets recompensed by devotees; and what happens to be in excess is also brought to normalcy just through them (men). Nature does not have hands and feet. it is a machine continuously at work. You (man devoted to ultimate) are the one to weaken as well as strengthen the machine of nature. When machines of nature is very strong that period is designated as as a good time. The times are said to have suggested a degeneration in proportion to the extent of the machines going weak .Satyuga , Tretra , Dwapara and Kaliyuga are all divisions of time with respect to the same (characteristic of strength or weakness of machine of nature) At the present time , this machine is running very loose, its various parts have gone very weak. As such , Natures attention is getting oriented to This direction . The result is clear . There is really no secret in nature . It is something very simple, which is the proof of Mater’s perfection. The ability to observe ( and grasp the relevant and real) in the servant ( person of the Master or Lord) is the (necessary ) condition.
    7. It is the original cosmic power in miniature form which brought into existence the tiny creation of man.
    8. The work of the mission will save Humanity from doom by carrying the teachings of the Master to every heart. Mankind , today is groping in the darkness of materialism.
    9. It is difficult to keep oneself without blemish in this world . (Real ) Man is one who is able to keep his passionate attachment oriented to that side (higher spiritual direction).
    10. It is my Master alone who gave light to the Original Source which was nearly dried . His Message to Mankind may aptly be pronounced as “ASEERO KARO AB RIHYAYI KI BATEIN” Oh , bounded ones , now start to look for becoming free.
    11. Now Since both divinity and humanity have come down from one the great God, absolute humanity too, like divinity was the purest state.The force of activity in it was nominal at the time or it was , so to say, in a sleepy state. The jerks caused by actions and counter actions began to stir up a sort of wakefulness and variation and contradictions began to come to view. Heat and cold made their diverse ways promoting formation.All these things entered into to the composition of man and became conglomeration of all things in existence.

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